Dienstag, 7. Februar 2012

The time I had to write my first Abuse Report

After confessing about having made impersonating-alts of people, I found new Avatars in Secondlife who started to first IM me and then my friends and then random people who stood on sims I used to visit. These alts have been parked on places I know and have mostly been showing nasty profiles about me or my friends. The names Niftynip uses are mostly the same:
Here is a collection so far:

Trinitydejavu1 Resident (459a2f6d-a59d-48cd-b0a1-e7d15a7fb8e8)
Melaniewandsworth2 Resident (068818fd-6c8c-41f1-9e28-014f1a3ba733)
Melaniewandsworth1 Resident (e29fb978-b1ba-4f36-9e87-38183abbcacf)
marlakiraa Resident (8a5b0881-96ba-4a51-bd30-7ef9cafbf1e7)
serraabsent1 Resident (64b39765-999b-4d02-bb1f-b5fdb7e816dc)

Melaniewandsworth1 Resident (e29fb978-b1ba-4f36-9e87-38183abbcacf)
made: 07/18/2011

Actual profile text today: 
*busy*  fucking my british gay tranny assholes Trinity and  Astrid Haiku ^^   Me loves british tranny boys like them ^^

The one and only Melanie.
If you are unsure about this, just ask :)

for all of you who like riddles here we go - its just a little quiz for you:
What have all this Avis names in common?
Melanie Wandsworth, Marla Kira, Marlene Mhia, Anita Dertzer, Vitalina Dubrovna

sure its simple: the user behind the keyboard ^^

for details see pics

The Harem, Fucking Loosers, Rubber Room Gold


Melaniewandsworth2 Resident (068818fd-6c8c-41f1-9e28-014f1a3ba733)
made: 11/23/2011

Actual profile text today:
The one and only Melanie.
If you are unsure about this, just ask :)

for all of you who like riddles here we go - its just a little quiz for you:
What have all this Avis names in common?
Melanie Wandsworth, Marla Kira, Marlene Mhia, Anita Dertzer, Vitalina Dubrovna

sure its simple: the user behind the keyboard ^^

for details see pics


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