Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

A notecard to a friend of mine

Just to make sure you understand the ways Nifty has I will post a notecard she sended to a good friend of mine on 2011-07-22:

Oh and one thing: I never ordered nor asked Marla to stop seeing Nifty. I simply opened her eyes and let her choose what she wanted to do.

dear Serra,

i don´t know if you remember me... we met one Evening at Melanie Wandsworth skybox... i was Marlas Lover...
i am atm since nearly 3 weeks seriously depressed and disturbed
about that drama what was started at that tuesday evening 3 weeks ago as Melanie clears all her pics entrys in her profile and as i saw now in your profile releases you and at that evening go appart from marla and releases her also.  but that is exactly that hat disturbed me a lot. officiall she released Marla and writes in her profile she is a switch now...
in all the last weeks me and Marla growen up to a lover couple which plays together with changing roles i saw a changing in Melanies behave...    at the beginning she was amazed that Marla and me plays so "nice" together and had fun and be in love...  but as more as she realized that Marla not alone was my toy also i was hers and she dommed me and i was in Marlas group made by her to her First Toy and her lover i saw that melanie more and more growen up jealouse..  she starts again deleting my sec ownerships in Marlas restrains and tied up Marla more and more and restricted her Ims to caps our contacts, she forbidds Marla staying with me... was altimes at evenings online and arround Marla and it seems for me she is still her Mistress.
now a few days ago the drama goes in the next level and Melanie ordered marla  to cancel and delte me in friends list and kicks me...  also Melanie grabs Marlas best friend Rins Keys and orders her same..  both was forced to delete and cancel our friendships 2 days ago...  Melanie growen up more and more to a psychopathic jewalouse and selfish tyrrann... Serra i don´t know what that is for a bad game what is running here... i have questions and no answers...  sighs and starts crying in rl again....     i have lost Marla and Rinoa to Melanie and Melanie behaves like a jealouse bitch...
please please try to explane me whats going on there.... i am so disturbed about all what i see and listen around now.....

sincere  Conny aka Niftynip

Here is Serra's reply:

Hey Sweetie,

I wouldn't really know what Melanie is up to, she's not my Mistress, only my best friend.
While I completely understand that you feel sad, I don't think it's malicious, I very much doubt that Melanie is out to get you.

Marla went through the breakup pretty hard, I don't blame her for that, she and Melanie have been together for a long time, it'll take time to get over all that. But I believe that Marla and Melanie are great friends too, they just need their space...

I have been hearing things from all sides now, Melanie, Marla and yours. I don't think it is wise for me to get involved at all. Let me just say that I believe that you are all good people and that you should find a way to get along together.

You have to understand that you are the new person in a very old and long lasting relationship between Marla and Melanie, it doesn't really matter what kind of relationship they have had, Lovers, D/s, or otherwise, they have been together for a long time. You are the new person in that group, it will take time to get comfy and happy.

Take you time, be gentle and friendly, even if they don't always deserve it, especially since you are Marla's First, you should lead by example.

And remember, as sub/slave/toy, it is YOUR job to keep your Mistress happy, protect her from herself, be the neutral ground, if you get involved and start picking sides it will only end badly for everyone involved. You have to show that you have earned and deserved trust from all sides, Marla's and Melanies.

Don't look for blame, look for solutions. Most of all, be happy. I know you don't feel like it now, so take a step back, take a long walk along a beach/forest/park/hallway :) relax, think about what you want and then talk as yourself to them both.

You have to want this, you have to be happy, joyfull little bundle of fun. Depression and crying will get you nowhere but down, look up, to the future...

I wish you nothing but joy and happiness,


A few month later Serraabsent1 Resident was born, another fake-alt to impersonate my friend who simply knew what was behind the said notecard

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